Thursday, November 12, 2020
3:00PM – 4:00PM ET
Kasia Derbiszewska & Nicole Tucker-Smith
Hosted by
Allison Posey from CAST
This year, we are all novice teachers again as we learn new ways to reach learners in remote, hybrid, and new face-to-face routines. As districts and PD leaders seek new ways to support teachers who may be overwhelmed and nearing burnout, the authors of Supercharge Your Professional Learning are here to help.
Join Nicole Tucker-Smith and Kasia Derbiszewska to explore ways of designing effective professional development and removing barriers to adult learning in high-stress times. With a compelling health-and-wellness analogy, they provide concepts and tips for PD that refuels rather than fatigues.
We’ll hear behind the scenes stories from their book-writing process and gain some essential tips to supercharge professional learning this year. Give yourself this gift—you won’t be disappointed.