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Supercharge Your Professional Learning

Co-author Nicole Tucker-Smith shares concrete strategies that will help you design professional development sessions that are compelling, convincing, and sustainable using the framework of Universal Design for Learning. Learn to recognize and reduce common barriers to effective PD. Each chapter clearly addresses the Purpose, Preparation, Implementation, and Benefits to Learning for each aspect of professional learning, as well as UDL Tidbits that help ensure the health and longevity of the initiative.

If you are ready to take the leap toward creating healthy and sustainable professional learning, jump into the chapter that is most relevant to your needs. Get ready to consider the whole adult learner and apply practical strategies for cultivating and maintaining healthy, vibrant professional development that has a track record of success.

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Why We Wrote This Book

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Remote PD Zen: Your Guide to Designing Effective Distance Professional Learning

Now that distance / remote professional development is an essential option, gain tools and techniques to make this medium more effective for supporting teachers and school leaders. Through engaging visuals and insightful examples, this e-publication is easy to consume and immediately apply to enhance your distance professional learning experiences.

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Plantation, Prisons, PK12: Dismantling Inequity by Design

Coming in 2021!


Get in Touch

Founder Nicole Tucker-Smith has extensive experience supporting schools and districts in designing and implementing multi-year initiatives focused on UDL and equity. Contact us to see how we might be able to support your community.

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